
Randall Reid-Smith, right, Cabinet secretary of the West Virginia Department of Arts, Culture and History, is seen meeting with a representative of Steinway and Sons during a meeting in February 2023, months before entering into a contract with the West Virginia Public Broadcasting Foundation for the foundation to purchase a Steinway piano on behalf of the department and reimburse the foundation while also engaging in a competitive bid process for a new concert grand piano.

CHARLESTON, W.Va. — State Department of Arts, Culture and History Cabinet Secretary Randall Reid-Smith used one of the private foundations that funds West Virginia Public Broadcasting to buy a nearly $200,000 concert grand piano and paid the foundation back with taxpayer dollars, keeping the purchase outside the scope of state purchasing laws.

According to multiple documents obtained through sources and a Freedom of Information Act request to the state Purchasing Division, the Department of Arts, Culture and History (WVDACH) canceled a bid process on Nov. 3, 2023, for a new concert grand piano for the department’s Culture Center Theater in Charleston 18 days after entering into a memorandum of understanding (MOU) with Michael Farrell, chairman of the West Virginia Public Broadcasting Foundation.

Steven Allen Adams can be reached at

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